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Progress is possible from continued learning. Find out how.
Do you have trouble sleeping? When did it begin? The exact answer isn’t important. What is important is that you remember a time when your sleep was at best, heavenly or at least, not an...
Reading about the principles of tai chi chuan is often fascinating and the deep degree of thinking that went into creating the forms and tying them back to life can awe-inspiring. The best of all of...
Let's say I told you that I met a group of people and spending time with them makes me happy. We meet for about an hour a week and afterwards I feel a sense of calm, am less worried, and generally...
Trying to describe tai chi vs kung fu causes so much debate and has led to a ton of confusion in the martial arts community. Is tai chi a form of kung fu? Are they the same art done at different...
Do Tai Chi Fighting Techniques Work? – What to Invest Your Time In
There are tons of conflicting opinions about whether you can actually use tai chi to fight. If you search on tai chi fighting, two immediate things will come up: You will find tons of videos and...
There is so much debate about lineage, history, and different styles of tai chi but one thing is for clear: every practitioner and style cites a single person and a single location as the original...