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Progress is possible from continued learning. Find out how.
In a conversation with a friend who is a long time practitioner of Japanese martial arts I was envious at the structure that was imbued into the different levels of progress. They have very...
Practicing tai chi, meditating, doing qi gong, trying to heal, or trying to improve your strength seem like very different activities with very different goals. However, at their root they are all...
Basic Tai Chi Moves and Poses Explained in Picture and Video
A student recently asked for corrections on some of the basic tai chi moves and poses and I gave them. He came back the following week really deep in his stances ready to show me his...
What is Tai Chi Push Hands and How it Makes You Better at Tai Chi
Tai chi practitioners often ask what they should be working on to improve their tai chi. Typical answers to these types of questions vary based on a person's experience and goals. However, there is...
Five Elements Theory 101 – Know the Basics to Get the Benefits
There is an esoteric side of tai chi that dips in and out of the Tao, the I-Ching, yin-yang theory, and the ancient Chinese five elements theory. Are these terms new to you or confusing? Join...
Acupuncture and Tai Chi – An Intro to the Extraordinary Vessels
Acupuncture Smackyoupuncture! Early on in my tai chi practice, I barely got my head wrapped around all of the Chinese words and foreign concepts. Then, I found out there was a relationship...